A Granpa from Brazil official site in Japanese and Portuguese
「しみじみと胸うつ感動!」 サンパウロ新聞
「おじいちゃんのしわの深さ、表情、そして、佇まいがすべてを物語っている。日系人が歩み、乗り越えてきた長い長いストーリーを。」 宮沢和史(ミュージシャン)
「80になっても、90になっても、いきがいを求め、人々を愛し、自分は何者かと考え続ける。『自分が決めたことだから』とブラジルでの苦難を耐え切った人の老いの生きざまは、なお未来を向いてすがすがしい。美しい笑顔と映像から、静かな感動と生きる力を頂いた。」 堀田 力(さわやか財団理事長)
「1世紀を生き抜いてきた老移民がふりかえるみずからの姿。日本に見て聞いて語る在日ブラジル人の姿。そこに海外移住とデカセギの凝縮された生きざまを見る思いがした。ブラジル移住100年にふさわしい珠玉のドキュメンタリーである。」 中牧弘允(国立民族学博物館教授)
This film by Nanako Kurihara focuses on a resourceful and dignified 92-year-old Japanese man who emigrated to Brazil in 1931, raised a large and loving family, and now travels regularly to Japan to help Brazilians who have been brought in as low-paid guest workers in Japan. His reflections on nearly a century of transnational experiences provide a vivid picture of the special challenges that foreign workers face and their creative strategies for solving them.
Laura Hein
Professor of Japanese History, Northwestern University
“Deeply Moving”
Jornal São Paulo Shimbun
しかし、紺野さんは家でじっとしているご隠居さんではない。今年も紺野さんは飛行機だけでも26時間かけて日本にやってくる。それは日本に出稼に来ている 若いブラジル人たちを訪ねるためだ。日本在住の日系ブラジル人の数は現在31万人を超え、増加と滞在長期化傾向にある。彼らの姿が、出稼ぎのはずがブラジ ルに定住するはめになった自身の体験と重なる。彼らの将来はいったいどうなるのか。子供たちの教育の現状はどうか。若い世代の仕事の苦労話に耳を傾け、子 供たちに勉強の様子を尋ねる。先生たちと懇談するため学校へも出かけていく。
うんと前からグローバルに生き抜いてきたおじいちゃんのくれるアドバイスは? また、旅の末に、彼のたどり着いたアイデンティティとは? 90歳を超えても遠い未来を見すえて、希望を語るおじいちゃんの物語、はじまり、はじまり。
A Grandpa from Brazil focuses on the journey of Mr. Ken’ichi Konno, a ninety-two-year-old Japanese who migrated to Brazil in 1931. In telling Mr. Konno’s story, A Grandpa from Brazil also traces the history of Japanese immigration to Brazil and the current “reverse immigration” from Brazil to Japan.
Mr. Konno traveled alone to Brazil when he was nineteen years old to escape the financial crises of his homeland. During the Great Depression, the Japanese government promoted a policy of dispatching citizens overseas to reduce the pressures of overpopulation. Promised an easier life in Brazil, young Konno saw emigration as his only choice.
Through grit and good luck, he became the patriarch of a large, mixed family. Though he has found peace at the end of his long life, he does not forget that others are still fighting his old battles. In particular, he concerns himself with Brazilians of Japanese descent who have recently made the journey from Brazil to Japan in search of a more prosperous society. 320,000 Japanese-Brazilians have filled job vacancies caused by labor shortages in Japan, far exceeding the 250,000 Japanese who emigrated to Brazil over the last century.
When visiting Japan, Konno listens to these “new” immigrants talk about their problems and offers advice to them, even meeting with local schoolteachers. He also visits landmarks of his youth that inspire him to reflect upon the joys and sorrows of his life.
This timely, passionate tale follows a seemingly ordinary man on his extraordinary journey.
Related Subjects
Brazil, Japan, Social Studies, History, Globalization, Diversity, International Exchange, Intercultural Communication, Immigration, Global Citizenship, Transnational Culture
Past Screenings
The film had a premiere at the Tokyo International Women’s Film Festival in 2008. It happened to be released in the year of a centennial of Brazilian emigration to Brazil and Lehman shock in which a number of Brazilian workers lost their work and often also home. The film had theatrical runs across Japan and also has been screened at more than seventy locations, especially colleges and a number of communities with large Brazilian population. In the United States, it was shown at Northwestern University and University of Chicago.
will be shown at the Association for Asian Studies Conference March 2012 in Toronto
Tokyo International Women’s Film Festival, Kitakyushu Biennial, East Asian Migration Film Festival, Globalization and Human Migration Film Festival
Kitakyushu Biennial, Japan Foundation São Paulo, Embassy of Brazil Tokyo, Kansai Brazilian Community, Ota City Gunma Prefecture
Osaka University, Nagoya University, Dokkyo University, Nagoya Gakuin University, Kyoto Seika University, Hamamatsu Gakuin University, Ryukoku University, Osaka Gakuin University, Waseda University, JICA Chubu, JICA Osaka and others
「心奪われる作品」 - ニューヨーク・ニューズデイ
「激しくパーソナル」 - フィラデルフィア・エンクワイアラー
「とても深遠で美しい作品』 - WBAI-FM放送
“A powerful and daring work.”
“Fascinating, cross-culturally inspiring.”
“A unique opportunity for thought-processing the notable similarities in the US and Japanese movements towards sex/gender equity.”
Powerful political analysis is combined with a passionate personal story in this exceptional documentary about the Japanese women’s liberation movement in the 1970’s and its influence on contemporary Japanese society. Director Nanako Kurihara left her homeland in the 1980’s, frustrated by the lack of interesting roles for women in Japan. In New York, she met a Japanese woman who had been involved in the women’s liberation movement in Japan in the 1970’s. Kurihara returned to Japan, bringing together interviews with veterans of the movement, fascinating archival footage and her personal impressions to produce a film which explores the meaning of the liberation movement, the factors that motivated it and the effect it has had on people’s attitudes. RIPPLES OF CHANGE is an excellent resource for the study of global feminism, women’s roles and Japanese society.
Related Subjects
Related Subjects: Japan, Asian Studies, Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, Feminism, Global Feminism, History, Diversity
「ルッキング・フォー・フミコ」は、世界の数々の映画祭、大学、女性センター、美術館/博物館で上映、加えて海外のテレビでも放映され、日本の70年代の 女性運動の歴史を世界に、若い世代に伝えた。国際交流基金、東京都女性財団、放送基金、NY芸術カウンシル、アストレア財団から助成を受けている。
“Ripples of Change” was screened internationally at film festivals, universities, women’s centers, museums. It was broadcast at foreign public televisions, PBS in the United States and SBS in Australia. It has been used in a classroom internationally at colleges and universities.
It was funded partially by the Japan Foundation, Hoso Bunka Foundation, Tokyo Women’s Fund, NY State Council for the Arts, Astraea Foundation.
東京国際映画祭カネボウ国際女性映画週間、マーガレット・ミード映画祭、ロンドン映画祭、フランス・クレテイユ国際女性映画祭、ボンベイ(ムンバイ)国際 映画祭、ハワイ国際映画祭、オーストラリア・シドニー国際映画祭、アメリカン・フィルム・インスティチュート・ビデオ祭、サンフランシスコ・アジアン・ア メリカン国際映画祭、スペイン女性映画祭、シカゴ・ウィメン・イン・ザ・ディレクターズ・チェア映画祭、ドイツ・ドルトムント女性映画祭、ソウル女性映画 祭招待作品